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Rishi Upadhyay, a house hold name in the Ad Film world, is our versatile creative director.


His work in film & television encompasses a wide range, crossing all boundaries of representations. Prompt and spontaneous in shooting ideas at the speed of light, his perception of objects harnesses the magic of this Powerful  form of art -called- FILM MAKING !

Rishi is the unconventional type of Creative Director not toying to just sell advertising campaigns to clients. He represents the new wave of creative thinkers who like the creative intellect to solve real business issues. 


We have Saurav Bishal, Ashish Sharma DoP (Director of Photography), Varun Singh, D.S. Reddy (Senior Cameramen) who  are leading Cinematographers in the production of software for daily soaps in leading Satellite channels. They have their involvement in the production industry spanning many decades in the Indian film and Global Satellite Television.

They have worked with very well-known producers and directors to bring specialized knowledge and skills to Sri Krishna Media Solutions.

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